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Dog Daycare & Drop-In Home-Visits in Bletchley & Milton Keynes

A popular pet service for people and couples who have long working hours and need their dogs checked up on and let outside with some day care. You might have a new dog, a puppy or an older dog and want to avoid unwanted accidents? Those times you know you can't get back home within 4 hours then we can be your back-up. If you are close to Bletchley or Milton Keynes we can offer this service so you come home to a happy waggy wiggle! Dog daycare is the other option where your dog gets a full cosy & fun day of care in our dog loving home.

That happy face when you come home!





  • Dog Daycare is the full day in the care of our home with multiple walks, cuddles, play and a great stay for the day while you are out for the day or at work!

  • Dog drop-in home-visits means;

  1. some time out in the fresh air to stretch their paws

  2. Longer visits we will provide a walk

  3. If needed we can administer needed medication (signed disclosure needed for this service)

  4. Clean up any accidents

  5. Give the dog play time

  6. Reward with treats

  7. Give any needed meals

  8. Provide fresh water

  9. Prepare any Kongs or brain stimulus puzzles on leaving to keep them further entertained

  10. Cuddles of course!


*No mileage charge for customers within 3 miles of our base in Bletchley


What does dog daycare and a drop-in home-visit enTAIL?
Send us your daycare and home-visit questions.

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